
Showing posts from November, 2019

chooses to pursue all possible

A handful of people own more than the rest of the world combined and we sitting around with our thumbs up our asses wondering how we afford the massive changes needed to literally save the world. Save it from the fat cats who fucked it up to begin with and continue fucking it even as the clock ticks closer to midnight. Well shit guys don ask me how we fix anything, I too busy being offended over some words.. It really just depends on what you are looking for. I personally like using a Google home mini just for commands and then using a separate set of speakers for audio. However, this is because I like having better sounding speakers. Este acessrio feito do acrlico cristalinas fora industrial, melhor. O cilindro de buceta afunilado em direo vibrators ao topo para coincidir com a curva natural da anatomia feminina e mede 3 cm de largura por 4 centmetros de comprimento. Cada cilindro contm uma vlvula de ar de estado of the art que permite a desconexo rpida e fcil da bomba, mantendo a